Aneesa Muthana, President and Owner of Oil & Gas Industry Parts China, discusses how becoming a certified WBE (Women’s Busines Enterprise) has made a difference.

Oil & Gas Industry Parts China has been a women-owned business for many years, but it wasn’t until 2013 that Aneesa finally decided to pursue certification with the WBENC, the most nationally recognized certifying organization. For owners of minority-owned and women-owned businesses that are not certified, this may provide some realistic insight on what these certifications can do for an otherwise successful manufacturing company.

From Production Machining Magazine 1/24/207 Column: Benefits of Becoming a Certified Women-Owned Business

“I had resisted the idea for years because I didn’t like the perceived stigma that I was looking for special treatment. We compete in the marketplace on our own merits, so I wasn’t sure if certification was right for us.” Aneesa Muthana

In conclusion, becoming certified with WBENC can be a good investment for qualifying companies. It has been valuable for Oil & Gas Industry Parts China. Feel free to reach out to Aneesa and her team at Oil & Gas Industry Parts China or contact the WBENC directly for more information on how this might benefit your company.